Speidel, Lisa (in progress) Bisexuality Beyond Binaries: Celebrating Multiple Bisexual Identities in a World of Erasure, New York: Routledge
Speidel, Lisa (2023), Women's Self-Defense Class Taught for 20 Years, University of Virginia, Thoughts From the Lawn
Speidel, Lisa (2020), Funny words: Expanding how we learn about sexuality, Cville Weekly
Speidel, Lisa (2020),Homecoming: Sex and self-love during the coronavirus pandemic, Cville Weekly
Speidel, Lisa (2020) Clicking to connect: The realities of finding your match in a pandemic, Cville Weekly
Speidel, Lisa and Micah Jones, (2020) The Edge of Sex: Navigating a Sexually Confusing Culture From The Margins, New York: Routledge.
Speidel, Lisa (2017), Cville-ity, University of Virginia Women’s Center Blog,
Speidel, Lisa, (2017) J-term: Gender Based Violence, Lifetime Learning Website,
Speidel, Lisa (2014), My Hips, Butt and Thighs Are My Friends, Huffington Post, April 24.
Speidel, Lisa (2014) Exploring the Intersection of Race and Gender in Self-Defense Training, Violence Against Women, March 2014, vol. 20 no. 3 309-325.
Speidel, Lisa and Jason Jones, (2013) Mentoring Masculinities at the University of Virginia (publication in the ACPA Standing Committee for Men & Masculinities (SCMM) and NASPA Men and Masculinities Knowledge Community's joint newsletter, The Changing Faces of College Men)