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Curriculum Vitae


CSE, American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (ASSECT), 2019, Certified Sexuality Educator.

Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education, 2010, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Dissertation Topic: Exploring Racial and Gender Identity for American Women of African Descent Through Self-Defense Training.

M. Ed. in Social Foundations of Education, 2003, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Major field: Multicultural education.

B.A. Double Major in Human Development and Social Relations and in German, 1992, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. 


Spring 2023-present: Associate Professor, General Faculty,  College of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia. Women, Gender and Sexuality Department. Courses taught include: Men and Masculinities; Gender Based Violence; Human Sexualities; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Pleasure Activism; and Race and Power in Gender and Sexuality Studies. 

Fall 2018-Spring 2023: Assistant Professor, General Faculty,  College of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia. Women, Gender and Sexuality Department. Courses taught include: Men and Masculinities; Gender Based Violence; Human Sexualities; Gender and Sexuality Studies.

Spring 2013-2018: Lecturer, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia. Women, Gender and Sexuality Department. Courses taught included: Men and Masculinities; Gender Based Violence; Human Sexualities; Gender and Sexuality Studies.

1993-Present: Instructor, Self-Defense For Women. Teach an eighteen- hour national curriculum on self-defense which includes verbal and physical self-defense skills. Teach a credit-based physical education course at the University of Virginia. Also teach shorter workshops within the community. 

Fall 2002-2020: Guest Lecturer, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Gender Violence and Society.

Fall 2011-2019: Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia. 

Contemporary Perspectives on Social Justice Movements, Action and Change.

 (USEM First Year Seminar)

Spring 2014-2016: Instructor, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Virginia

Courses taught included: Sociology of Violence; Social Inequality; Ethnic and Race Relations      

Summer 2012: Co-Instructor, Training for Trainers on Cultural Competency for Charlottesville City Schools. A week long program designed to train teachers how to implement workshops on diversity in the school system.

2011-2013: Co-Instructor, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia.  Courses taught included: Multicultural Education; Multicultural Education Facilitator Training.

2002-2010: Teaching Assistant, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia. 

Courses taught included: Multicultural Education; Multicultural Education Facilitator Training. From 2005 to 2010 helped develop and implement a similar course for first year students entitled Learning and Interacting in Our Community (LINC): A UVA  Initiative for First Year Students and LINC Facilitator Training.

2003-2007: Co-Instructor, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, University of Virginia.

Multicultural Summer Institute for Teachers. 

Fall 2007:  Co-Instructor, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia. 

World Culture and Politics.

Spring 2005: Instructor, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia.

Women and Education.


1995-2020: Diversity Training Consultant                                                                  

Conduct trainings locally and statewide on such subjects as diversity in the workplace, multicultural issues, and the intersection of racism with sexual and domestic violence.

August 2009-2012: Outreach Coordinator, Sexual and Domestic Violence Services, The Women’s Center, University of Virginia.

Implemented trainings on sexual and domestic violence, in addition to working with student peer education groups who addressed these issues. Taught women’s self-defense classes and workshops. Helped supervise six student interns who coordinated and conducted different awareness projects related to sexual and domestic violence. Administrative work included grant writing and reporting.

May-December 2009: Curriculum Designer, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, Richmond, Virginia. 

Developed, updated and revised a forty-five hour curriculum for the Virginia Victim Assistance Academy, a week-long training held each year for crime victim advocates and allied professionals. Helped organize and implement the training in addition to assisting with developing evaluation criteria of the Academy and grant writing to fund future trainings. This was an eight-month grant-funded position.

1993-2002: Training Coordinator, Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA), Charlottesville, Virginia.

Implemented 40-hour trainings for SARA volunteers, which focused on crisis intervention skills and sexual assault issues. Coordinated the SARA volunteer program and conducted local education programs. Also provided crisis intervention services and accompanied survivors to the emergency room.


Exploring the Intersection of Asian American Identity and Gender Based Trauma, (April, 2023), workshop for Asian American Women’s Initiative, University of Virginia.

Historical Perspectives on Self-Defense, (March 2023), talk for student group She Writes History, University of Virginia.

Men and Sex, (January 2023), Workshop for Faculty and Staff of Student Health and Wellness, University of Virginia

Self-Defense for Women, (April, 2022) Workshop for the Kappa Delta Confidence Campaign, University of Virginia.

Sex in The Media, (April, 2022) Panel member, Office of Health Promotion, University of Virginia.

What is Healthy Masculinity? (April, 2022) Panel Moderator, Take Back the Night, University of Virginia.

The Impact of Sex Miseducation, (March, 2022) Period Poverty workgroup of Global Problem, Local Solutions at UVA, University of Virginia.

Self-Defense for Women, (February, 2022) Workshop for Omega Phi Beta Sorority, University of Virginia.

Sexual Miseducation (May 2021) Workshop for the Common House, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Healthy Masculinity (April, 2021) Panel for Take Back the Night, University if Virginia.

Queer Masculinities (March 2021) Panel for Healthy Masculinity Week, Office of Health Promotion, University of Virginia.

Collaborative Consent (February, 2021). Office of Health Promotion class for Culture of Respect Educators, University of Virginia.

Digital Consent (February 2021). Virtual Panel for the Peer Health Educators and Community of Respect Educators, University of Virginia.

Safer Sex and Covid 19 (November, 2020). Virtual Panel for the Peer Health Educators, University of Virginia

Femme Sex and Sexuality (September, 2020). Panel member on the Podcast Why We Theater

An Open Conversation About Sex, Relationships, and Inclusivity (April, 2020) Virtual Presentation for Sex+Festival for the Peer Health Educators, University of Virginia

 Men and Masculinity, (February, 2020). Workshop for parents at the Field School of Charlottesville.

Masculinity and Health,( January, 2020). Office of Health Promotion class for Culture of Respect Educators, University of Virginia.

Masculinity and Health,(November 2019), Office of Health Promotion class for Peer Health Educators, University of Virginia. 

Keynote Speaker, Sexual Assault Resource Agency Annual Breakfast Fundraiser, (November 2019) Charlottesville, Virginia.

Pressures and Expectations of Gender Socialization, (June 2019), as part of Unity Days, Charlottesville, Virginia. 

Keynote Speaker, The Lavender Graduation Ceremony of the LGBTQ Resource Center, (May 2019). University of Virginia. 

Discussion Leader of “Cat Person,” (April 2019). A workshop organized by the Graduate Student Public Humanities Lab of the Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures, University of Virginia. 

Men and Masculinities, (January 2019). 1 in 4 Training, University of Virginia.

Research on Intimate Partner Violence, (October 2018). Panel speaker, University of Virginia, Women’s Center.

Masculinity, Violence and Self-Defense, (September 2018). Podcast recorded through the radio show Apropos of Something, WVPC 94.7, Charlottesville, Virginia. 

Keynote Speaker, (May 2018). UVA Women’s Center Graduation Ceremony, University of Virginia.

Sex Education and The Impact of Intersectionality: The Unheard Stories of Navigating a Sexually Confusing Culture, (May 2018). Justice. Healing. Liberation. Conference, Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance, Richmond, Virginia.

Lifting the Shades: A Discussion on Sexual Assault in Minority Communities, (April 2018). Panel Speaker, Take Back The Night, University of Virginia.

 #Metoo Lesson for Higher Education, (February 2018). Panel speaker, University of Virginia.  

Men and Masculinities, (December 2017). 1 in 4 Training, University of Virginia.

Intersectional Feminism, (April 2017). Panel for the  Multicultural Student Center and the United Nations Women at UVA, University of Virginia.

Primary Prevention of Sexual Violence, (March 2016). Sexual Assault Resource Agency, Charlottesville, Virginia

Men and Masculinities, (January 2016). 1 in 4 Training, University of Virginia.

Hypersexualization vs. Sexual Objectification, (September 2015). Workshop organized by United Sister, University of Virginia.

Making the Invisible Visible: Exploring the Meaning of Masculinity, (October 2015). Echols Council Fireside Chat, University of Virginia

Humanities & Sciences Faculty Diversity Retreat, (June 2014). Trainer for day long training, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, California

Deconstructing Whiteness: Ways to Challenge and Disrupt Systemic Racism, (March 2014). Flash Seminar, University of Virginia.

Making the Invisible Visible: Exploring the Meaning of Masculinity (October 2013). Flash Seminar, University of Virginia.

The Importance of An Intersectional Approach to Gender-Based Violence, (March 2013). National ThinkLuv Web Symposium.

The Big Read: Exploring The Intersection of Immigration, Sexism and Cultural Identity in the Novel, The Joy Luck Club (March 2013). University of Virginia.

Unmasking Stereotypes of Native Americans, (December, 2012). Workshop for the American Indian Student Union’s American Indian Fair. 

Multiculturalism and Diversity in the Workplace, (October, 2012). Workshop at Children Youth and Family Services, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Providing Culturally Competent Services to Survivors of Sexual Assault, (October 2012). Training for the Sexual Assault Resource Agency, Charlottesville, Virginia.

What’s Race Got to Do With It? Race, Gender and Domestic Violence, (October 2011).Workshop at the University of Virginia for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

Culturally Responsive Teaching, (June and September 2009, October and November 2011). Conducted two three-day trainings for teachers and administrators in the Albemarle County School system, Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Intersection Between Rape and Racism, (April and November, 2011) Workshop for the peer education group Sexual Assault Facts and Education at the University of Virginia.

Cultural Competency: What Does It Mean and How Do We Develop It Within Our Agencies? (April 2010). Workshop for the Sexual Assault Resource Agency, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Culturally Responsive Teaching,  (June and September 2009). Conducted two three-day trainings for teachers and administrators in the Albemarle County School system, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Exploring Connections Between Race and Class, (May 2008). Workshop for the Virginia Rehabilitation Association, Tidewater, Virginia.

The Intersection of Race and Class in Today’s Society, ( March 2008). Workshop at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church, Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Elephant and The Giraffe: Addressing Diversity in the Workplace, (October 2007). Workshop for the Charlottesville Leadership Program, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Exploring Connections Between Race and Class, (August 2007). Workshop for the Virginia Rehabilitation Association, Charlottesville, Virginia.

The Five Faces of Oppression, (June 2007). Workshop at the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Spring Conference, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia.

Understanding Systemic Classism, (May and October, 2004-2007). Workshop for the Piedmont Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Volunteer Training Program, Charlottesville, Virginia. 

The Intersection of Race and Class in Today’s Society, (March 2007). Workshop at the conference Identity in a Multicultural World: The 17th Annual Anti-Racism Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Racism in the Workplace, (June 2006). Workshop at the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Spring Conference, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, Virginia.

Localizing Privilege: Addressing Race and Class as CASA Volunteers, (May 2006). Workshop for Piedmont Court Appointed Special Advocates, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Sexual Violence Training for Trainers, (April 2005). Conducted three-day training with three other trainers for the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance, Surry, Virginia.

Working with Diversity in the Classroom, (September 2005). Workshop for Montessori School Teachers, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Addressing Diversity in the Workplace,  (May 2005). Workshop for Albemarle Social Services employees, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Localizing Privilege: A Study in Whiteness, (Fall 2004). Six-week course offered through the University of Virginia Art Museum in conjunction with the exhibition Whiteness: A Wayward Construction, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Healing Through The Experience of Self-Defense Classes, (June 2001). Workshop at the Virginians Aligned Against Sexual Assault and Virginians Against Domestic Violence Spring Conference, Roanoke College, Roanoke, Virginia.



2023: Author, Bisexuality Beyond Binaries: Celebrating Multiple Bisexual Identities in a World of Erasure, New York: Routledge (in progress)

2023: Co-Author, REAL Self-Defense for Women (in progress)

2023: Author, Women's Self-Defense Class Taught for 20 Years, University of Virginia, Thoughts From the Lawn


2020: Author, Funny words: Expanding how we learn about sexuality, Cville Weekly

2020: Author, Homecoming: Sex and self-love during the coronavirus pandemic, Cville Weekly

2020: Clicking to connect: The realities of finding your match in a pandemic, Cville Weekly

2020: Co-Author, The Edge of Sex: Navigating a Sexually Confusing Culture from The Margins, Routledge Publishing. 

2017: Author, Cville-ity, University of Virginia Women’s Center blog pos

2017: Author, J-Term: Gender Based Violence, University of Virginia blog post

2014: Author, My Hips, Butt and Thighs Are My Friends, Huffington Post, April 24.

2014: Author, Exploring the Intersection of Race and Gender in Self-Defense Training, Violence Against Women,

March 2014, vol. 20 no. 3 309-325.

2013: Co-Author, Experts in Their Own Right: Students Exploring Masculinities Through Mentorship, (publication in the ACPA Standing Committee for Men & Masculinities (SCMM) and NASPA Men and Masculinities Knowledge Community's joint newsletter, The Changing Faces of College Men)

2002-2013: Author, Multicultural Education, Facilitator Training Manual (Revised annually). 

2005-2010: Author, Learning and Interacting in Our Community: A UVA  Initiative for First Year Students, Facilitator Training Manual (Revised annually).

2005: Co-Author, Sexual Assault Training for Trainers, Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance.


2023-present: Advisory Board, Kiss and Tell Magazine,

2012-Present: Advisory Board Member, The National Take Back the Night Foundation. 

2019-2021: Board Member, Inclusive Developmental Education for Adolescents, (IDEA)

2018-2020: Faculty Advisor, Hoos for Inclusive Sexuality Education (HISE)

2018-2019: Faculty Advisor, The Graduate Student Public Humanities Lab of the Institute of the Humanities and Global Cultures

2012-2018: Board Member, Sexual Assault Resource Agency, Charlottesville, Virginia.

2008-2018: Faculty Advisor, Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Inc., University of Virginia.

2001-2012: Member, Social Justice Task Force, Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance.

2000-2002: Board Member, Virginians Aligned Against Sexual Assault.

2000-2002: Chair, Training Committee, Virginians Aligned Against Sexual Assault. 


2023: The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award, University of Virginia

2022: The A.N.G.E.L.S. Society Recognition of Dedication, University of Virginia

2020: The All University Teaching Award, University of Virginia 

2020: The Order of Merlin Award, for “pioneering for marginalized communities,” University of Virginia 

2019: The Seven Society Award for acknowledgement of “uncommon dedication to the University” and the “on-going commitment to the progress of the students at the University,” University of Virginia

2019: Named “Rebel” by the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, University of Virginia 

2017: The A.N.G.E.L.S. Society Recognition of Dedication, University of Virginia

2014: Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority Inc. Monarch Award for Faculty Advisor Contributions

2005-Present: Member, Raven Society, University of Virginia

2002: Education and Social Change Award, Charlottesville Albemarle Council on Sexual Violence

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